Lesson 15

Push Day

Welcome to Lesson 15! Yeah!

Today we are building our first of 4 total workouts. We don’t need to get into the gym yet (that’s for Lesson 19), but if you want to get a head start, go ahead! Today is a great day for Push Day!

tl;dr - Today, we build a Push Day. Our primary lifts are the Bench Press and Military Press!

Today we are adding resistance to our pushing motions - ie, resistance is active while we move something close to our body, away from it. Our two primary Push Day lifts are the Bench Press and Military Press.

Here is the program for today, and below we will actually build it into Fitness Frenzy. Don’t worry if you don't know how to do a particular exercise - Fitness Frenzy has reference gifs for each exercise in-app!

Rest 2 min between each set.

  • Barbell Bench 3 x 6-8 reps

  • Incline Dumbell Press 3 x 6-8 reps

  • Military Press 3 x 6-8 reps

  • Push-Ups 2 x Reps to Failure

  • Triceps Dips 2x Reps to Failure

So to build your Push Day, follow the video below and finish with tapping “Complete TODOs” at the bottom!

  1. Tap on the dumbbell icon at the bottom left

  2. Tap ‘Build’

  3. Tap ‘Traditional’

  4. Set the name

    1. At the very top, tap ‘Enter Name’

    2. Enter in ‘Push Day’

    3. Tap the ‘🔽’ to set the finish

  5. Add the exercises

    1. Tap the search box

    2. Enter exercise name

    3. Tap the ‘🔽’

    4. Drag over the exercise’s arrows icon to the target on the right labled ‘For Reps’

  6. Set the reps/time

    1. Tap the first row of the ‘Units’ box on the bottom left

    2. Enter in how many reps for the exercise

    3. Tap the ‘✔️’ to set

    4. Double-tap the reps on the right-side exercise you wish to set the reps for.

  7. Add a rest

    1. Clear the search box

    2. The first result should be “Rest”

    3. Drag it over to where you want a rest

    4. To set the time follow step 6

  8. To save

    1. Double-tap the top-right save icon (floppy disk)

Build your Push Day! Keep logging, and keep striving to hit those macros!


  • ☑️ Log your weight

  • ☑️ Log your food & try to hit your macros

  • ☑️ Log your habit

  • ☑️ Build your Push Day

Complete TODOs Below

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