Lesson 19
Your Body In Motion
Welcome to Lesson 19! Yeah!
All 4 of our workouts have been built - all that’s left is to actually follow them! Today we will choose a workout to complete in our own time and learn how to journal it using the “Do a Workout” button on the main screen.
tl;dr - Today we choose a workout and journal it. There is no better time than today to start in the gym. If you’re hesitant, rip off that band-aide. Start very light, focus on correct form, and go slow. You’ve got this!
If you’re looking to lose weight and tone up - you’ll have to get into the weight room - there is no way around it. And girls - you won’t get ‘Big’… hormonally your bodies won’t let you, you’ll get strong and tone. If you are hesitant about the gym allow me to help change your mindset around it. First, everyone at the gym is there to improve THEIRSELFVES, meaning they are not going to be focused on you. Additionally, anyone who takes the steps to become healthier gains respect in the gym-rats eyes (I’m speaking from personal experience here). Everyone has to start somewhere. If, for some reason, someone is being a jerk, remember they a**hole, not you! A gym is a wonderful place filled with wonderful people all with common goals, if you have any reservations about going - it’s time to rip that proverbial band-aide off!
Today is the day, get into the gym, or at the very least, plan and stick to a day to get in. Going forward, barring you have a trainer, try to get into the gym 3x per week starting out. An example of a week would look like this:
Monday - Push Day
Wednesday - Pull Day
Friday - Leg Day
Feel free to sprinkle in the HIIT workout or some steady-state cardio in on the other days. If you do have a trainer - listen to what they have to say, because they can personalize your workout regiment to tailor to you specifically. If you don’t this program will work just fine and is better than waiting to get a trainer! Last little nugget of information - don’t try to be superman in the gym. If you’ve never lifted before, find someone to show you the ropes or youtube good lifting form for each exercise, or follow the in-app gif best you can. Start with low weight and progress each time you come back. Next, try to cultivate some mind-muscle connection: simply put, when you’re lifting focus on the active muscles and try to consciously recruit them. Lastly, remember exercising in the gym is a SKILL, just like everything else in this course. It’s ok to be a beginner, you WILL get better at it the more time you put into it. You’ve got this!
So to journal a workout follow the gif below and finish with tapping “Complete TODOs” at the bottom!
Tap ‘Do a Workout’
Tap ‘Push Day’
Tap ‘Traditional’
Do the first exercise
Enter in the reps you completed
Enter the weight you lifted with
If you feel like you can add more weight or reps (within the range) add on 5lbs or 1 rep.
Keep progressing
Tap the hourglass and wait out the rest timer
Repeat steps 4-6 until all exercises are done
Double-tap ‘Finish’ to log
Build your push day! Keep logging, and keep striving to hit those macros!
☑️ Log your weight
☑️ Log your food & try to hit your macros
☑️ Log your habit
☑️ Journal a workout
Complete TODOs Below
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