Lesson 25
Meal Prepping In Motion
Welcome to Lesson 25! Yeah!
This is it! This is our last lesson before our final exam tomorrow! Today we look at our last feature and how it can help us prepare our meals for several days at a time!
tl;dr - The Shopping List, tallies up all of our ingredients and lets us know how much of each ingredient to prepare for 1-7 days!
We’ve learned so much through our adventure together and we’re almost done - just one more action item. We are going to actually prep our food for the next 3 days. We know what macros are, we’ve calculated our personal numbers to hit our personal goal, we’ve planned out a full day of eating. All that’s left is to prep it, store it and eat it!
To do this we look at our last feature I want to highlight in this university - the shopping list! This allows us to know exactly how much of each ingredient we need in both serving size and g/mL. In the list, we can decide how many days we want to prepare for. It takes care of all of the math for us! We couple that with our newfound food measuring skills and you have a literal recipe for success!
I’ll let you do the shopping and the cooking for yourself, however, I wanted to throw some tips at you for prepping in general!
Get high-quality food storage containers
I know I said this before, but trust me it takes a lot of frustration out
Course Shopping List: Amazon
Plan for 3 days at a time
I’ve found this to be the sweet spot for me, any less and there just seems to be too much prep work, any more and the food starts to not taste as good
Keep things as fresh as possible
Use a refrigerator
Get as much air out of plastic sandwich bags as possible
Cook in bulk, partition into individual meals
Cook all of your ingredients at once - it makes the process much faster
When the ingredients are cooked - separate them out and store them as individual meals
Stick with and trust the process
You’ve planned out your day to systematically hit your goal, not-hungry and rational you setup these wonderful meals to get you closer to your goal. When you prep, stick with just those meals until the food is gone
Prep when you still have food planned
Try to overlap the last day of your previous prep with the first day of your new prep. This ensures you never ‘run out’ of food. The feeling of not having anything, at least in my experience, can lead to free-for-all eating.
Take a break from prepping
In my ideal world, I prep for 6 days out of a week and have 1 day where I wing it (I still log my food). You don’t always have to prep, however, you can have confidence when you do that you’re moving in the right direction!
That’s it! Go out and start prepping! And don’t worry you don’t have to be a master at it right away, just keep at it!
So to prep your 3 days of eating, follow the gif below and finish with tapping “Complete TODOs” at the bottom!
Tap on the dumbbell icon at the bottom left
Tap ‘Build’
Tap ‘Traditional’
Set the name
At the very top, tap ‘Enter Name’
Enter in ‘Push Day’
Tap the ‘🔽’ to set the finish
Add the exercises
Tap the search box
Enter exercise name
Tap the ‘🔽’
Drag over the exercise to ‘For Reps’
Set the reps
Tap the first row of the ‘Units’ box on the bottom left
Enter in how many reps for the exercise
Tap the ‘✔️’ to set
Double-tap the reps
Everything has been leading up to today’s TODO. Today is the day we become meal preppers!
☑️ Log your weight
☑️ Log your food & try to hit your macros
☑️ Log your habit
☑️ Shop, prep, and store 3 days worth of eating
Complete TODOs Below
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Course Shopping List: Amazon
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