Lesson 5

Alcohol Estimating

Welcome to Lesson 5! Yeah!

Today’s lesson introduces one of my favorite features in Fitness Frenzy - Alcohol Estimating!

tl;dr - Yes, alcohol has calories in it, and yes you should log it. But fortunately, logging alcohol is a real hoot!

Time to tear the bandage off, yes alcohol has calories and they add up, fast. For example, a glass of sweet red (150ml) wine comes in at around 300 calories! Have 2 or 3 of those and you’ve shot any calorie deficit you had going on it the foot! Now that’s not to say to treat-yo-self 🎂 every once and a while (if that’s what floats your boat), you should enjoy responsibly at times! That’s exactly why I made the alcohol estimator feature! Other macro tracking apps, in my not-so-humble opinion, made logging alcohol a frustrating, dumb, and stupid-head process. If I’m out drinking with THE BOYS the last thing I want to worry about is how the hell I’m going to log it - which I believe is important; all calories matter. So the alcohol estimator was born - but before I show you how to use it, a quick lesson on alcohol.

Alcohol is technically the 4th macronutrient DUN DUN DUUUUN!!! It is 7 calories per gram, however, it serves no real purpose other than providing calories. You may have heard the term empty calories before, well alcohol is an example of that. However, the way that alcohol is processed in the body makes it basically a carb - this is because alcohol breaks down into sugar which is the definition of what a carb is. Carb = a simple or complex sugar. So if you ever see an ad promising low-carb or zero-carb alcohol, they are technically not wrong by definition, but in practice, they are lying to your face. Last little PSA, if you are trying to lose fat, alcohol won’t directly cause weight gain (it’s actually a dehydrant, so after a night you might be down water weight), however, alcohol is processed in the body similar to how fat is. Also, Alcohol is treated as a poison in the body, so your body will always handle alcohol first and let fat processing wait. IE you don’t burn fat when you drink. If you’ve ever heard of the Freshman 15 - this is purely due to the excess of calories from extra alcohol consumption AND any super tasty greasy foods you feel is a good idea at the time. Alright, PSA over!

The alcohol estimator, serves 2 purposes, when you’re out drinking or if you are planning how much you want to drink. Also, it is an estimator - so it’ll get you close but not 100% accurate. So to log a drink, follow the gif below and finish with tapping “Complete TODOs” at the bottom!

  1. Tap ‘Log Food’

  2. Find and tap the ‘Alcohol Estimator’ tile on the left

  3. Follow the prompts and adjust how much

  4. When finished tap the ‘▼’ button at the top.

  5. Find the 4-arrows icon right of the ‘Alcohol Estimator’ tile and drag it over to whenever you ate

    • To un-log something, drag the logged time-slot over to the left

  6. Finish up by tapping ‘Log’ at the bottom to save!

  7. Bonus points - if you want to log different drinks later in the day, just repeat steps 1-6!

    • If you want to log the same drinks as before, just repeat step 5! The ‘Alcohol Estimator’ tile saves whatever you logged previously!

From now on, we are logging everything we eat and drink, including alcohol!


  • ☑️ Log your weight

  • ☑️ Log all foods or beverages you consume.

  • ☑️ Special Challenge: Log and un-log a glass of dry red wine using the 'Alcohol Estimator’

Complete TODOs Below

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