Lesson 6

Food Estimating

Welcome to Lesson 6! Yeah!

Alright, today we learn the last portion of our basic food logging unit. Today’s feature is called the Food Estimator, and it serves as our last-ditch effort to get something logged. This comes in handy when you have any sort of social gathering with food involved: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays. Instead of logging each thing you eat, you can just estimate how you feel afterward!

tl;dr - Getting a rough estimation on the log is better than just leaving it blank. Food Estimator is the catch-all solution, it’s a very rough estimation, but hey, it’s something!

The Food estimator is just that, an estimator. It is very, very low resolution. If you are trying to see the food intake picture for the day, this section always comes with a smudge on the lens. Food Estimator just estimates calories from a specific intake event. Its calculation is done with your height, weight, age, gender, how full you feel, and various other small factors. It’s not terribly accurate, but it should land you somewhere in the ballpark. That being said, I think it is necessary because it gives you the option to log SOMETHING when you would normally give it the ‘ole F-it, and not log anything. It is important to log something for the event or otherwise, it’ll skew and obscure the other data that you’ve put the effort into. I also realize it’s not reasonable and sustainable for people to forgo these events because of fear of food logging and not hitting your numbers. With at least some amount of information on the log, you can effectively adjust your strategy to keep on pace. But we’ll learn about strategy at the end of the course! For now, just trust that things logged, even estimated, is better than no log. Fun fact, in Fitness Frenzy, the logging tools we’ve been learning are in order of most accurate to least! So if you’re at an event, try out the Food Estimator! To log an estimate, follow the gif below and finish with tapping “Complete TODOs” at the bottom!

  1. Tap ‘Log Food’

  2. Find and tap the ‘Food Estimator’ tile on the left (you may have to scroll down)

  3. Follow the prompts

  4. When finished tap the ‘▼’ button at the top.

  5. Find the 4-arrows icon right of the ‘Food Estimator’ tile and drag it over to whenever you ate

    • To un-log something, drag the logged time-slot over to the left

  6. Finish up by tapping ‘Log’ at the bottom to save!

  7. Bonus points - if you want to log a different estimation later in the day, just repeat steps 1-6!

    • If you want to log the same estimation as before, just repeat step 5! The ‘Food Estimator’ tile saves whatever you logged previously!

From now on, we will log everything we eat and drink using all of the tools we’ve learned. If you do this, by the end of this course, you’ll have a great picture of your habits to work from!


  • ☑️ Log your weight

  • ☑️ Log your food

  • ☑️ Special Challenge: Log and un-log an estimated meal using ‘Food Estimator’

Complete TODOs Below

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