Syllabus Day!



A quick intro on how this works - There are 3 total modules in this course:

  1. Basic Logging

  2. Macros and Movement

  3. Meal Prep

Each module lasts around 10 days and each day will have a new subtopic or skill. At the end of each module, there will be an exam to test what you’ve learned (don’t worry, there are no grades!). Each day will be presented as a webpage like this one. The top will display the topic, the middle will be the background information and the bottom will be the TODO list with a link that will bring you right where you need to be in the Fitness Frenzy app. As we learn more skills our daily TODO list will grow. Make sure you complete each one when prescribed - nothing will take more than a handful of minutes. For now, we only have one TODO, because, of course, I’m giving homework on syllabus day 😈

That being said, today is super easy, all we need to do is download the app, sign in and subscribe. The real fun starts tomorrow! In the meantime, if you don’t have one, you’ll need a bathroom scale. That and some other suggested items are in the Course Shopping List. This can always be found at the bottom of the page along with my contact information.

I'm excited and proud of you for taking these initial steps for your own health. There is just one thing to remember as we go forward and it’s this - Fitness and health is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s ok to go slow, be a beginner and learn along the way, the results WILL come. The only way you fail is if you give up. I truly look forward to learning with you!

In health,


To download and sign up for Fitness Frenzy follow the video below. The “Complete TODOs“ button at the bottom will bring you right to the download page!

  1. Tap the “Complete TODOs” at the bottom of this page - this will bring you to the download page

  2. Download Fitness Frenzy (Android or IOS)

  3. Open Fitness Frenzy

  4. Sign in with either Apple or Google (does not matter)

  5. Read the screens

  6. Enter in your basic information on the second to the last screen

  7. Read the last page and Tap the subscribe button

  8. Follow either google or apple’s subscription process

    • Don’t worry, canceling is super easy if need be. Tap on the Settings (gear) icon top right of the home screen, scroll to the bottom, and tap “cancel subscription”. I will also remind you before the free 30 days are up (In this course) I really don’t want you paying for something you don’t want!

  9. That’s it! The journey starts tomorrow! Buckle up, Buckaroo!

Easy day today, don’t worry, the fun starts soon!


  • ☑️ Download the app, sign in and subscribe

  • ☑️ Buy a bathroom scale if you don’t have one

Complete TODOs Below

Invite A Freind: Copy & Send Link

Course Shopping List: Amazon

Need Help? Contact Christian Here: Fitness Frenzy University Office Hours