How to Impress Your Personal Trainer, and Why You Should Care

 First off, I am a personal trainer. I also work and talk with a lot of other personal trainers. The answer to the question above is super simple. But before I answer it, let me answer why you should care.

Why would you hire a personal trainer? Why take group classes? I imagine the answer for you is something along the lines of - "I want to be healthy" or "I want to look better" or "I want to become stronger," and it's probably a mix of all three. I know from experience that it is hard (not impossible) to motivate yourself to get to the gym and workout. That's where a trainer comes in. Hell, even I have trainers, yes plural, trainers. Just like a good teacher or coach, they can elevate you to another level. They can show you that you are capable of amazing things. Plus, they can be an essential part of your support network. It turns out the pursuit of health can very often be emotionally straining. So if I'm paying them or the gym, why would I care if I impress them or not? Well, that's easy. The more you impress them, the more they care. The more they care, the harder they work for you. The harder they work to push you, the better your results. Alright, sounds good Christian, how do I impress my trainer? Well, that's super simple; all you have to do is WORK HARD.

Yeah, really, that's it. I could have made this entire post a two-word answer. WORK HARD. I felt like it needed some explanation, though. When you come in for a session or a class, pretend you are going to war. Get ready to sweat, get ready to struggle. I guarantee your trainer will genuinely appreciate it. I know I do, and I tell my hard-working clients as much. Trainers get into this business because they love watching people succeed. And guess what the key to success is? Yep, working hard. That's it, the pursuit of health is not sexy, but the result is. Remember, you get out what you put in; you work hard, you'll get those hard-earned results. Plus, you'll turn your trainer into your greatest ally who will be with you through the process.

TLDR; You want to impress your trainer, so they care. Doing this is simple; work hard for them. You'll gain an ally and, through the nature of your work, will achieve your goals faster.

That's all I got for you today, dear reader. Keep striving, you beautiful person.

Ya Boi,


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