Let’s Make Consistency Sexy

Hello Dear Readers! It's been a while, and I'm glad to be back writing! Anyways, today I come to you with a topic very near and dear to my heart - the purpose of Fitness Frenzy's existence. Heavy. I know. But before I “succinctly” explain its existence, I want to explore the question a bit more.

Why make another macro tracking/workout journalling/accountability app? There are literally thousands of others out there (I did my research)—each with its own little niche and each claiming to be the “Best Way to Lose Weight". So why another one? And why, specifically Fitness Frenzy? What makes it different? Easy, two words - Predatory Practices.

Yes, you read that right, Predatory Practices. However, in FF's case, its reason to exist is to save people from those slimy Predatory Practices.

"Get Abs in 30 days" "The one trick that'll finally make you lose that stubborn fat" "Take this one pill, and you'll finally feel like you are good enough"... You've seen them before, and like a waterfall eroding its own rock, the more you see these, the more likely you are to believe them... The more likely you are to believe there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Before I continue - I want to say right now: You are ALREADY good enough and are deserving of love - no amount of exercise or dieting will change that. In fact, that's the first thing you need to accept before you can make any meaningful changes - seriously.

Prioritizing your health and wanting a sexy body are noble pursuits, and they are (truly) attainable! But they won't make you happy, and they won't make you love yourself. Happiness and love are totally independent of where you are in your fitness journey and life in general! So again, work on self-love first, then worry about getting shredded. The reason I preface this is that body transformation is not a sprint. It's a marathon. And there is NO WAY you can sprint a marathon! Make sense? Anything claiming you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days is selling you something that you don't need. And guess what, when that doesn't work, who is blamed? The company for selling you snake oil? No. You're the one blamed for not being “dedicated” enough. However, it was never going to work in the first place! Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SPRINT THROUGH A MARATHON! Body transformation takes time, specifically about 1-2lbs a week. So you can realistically expect to lose 30lbs in 15-30weeks (7months). Reality can be scary, but it's honest by nature, and honesty really is the best policy.

Alright, so back to the question - why make Fitness Frenzy? Well, you see, Fitness Frenzy is an extension of me. And personally, I've fallen for all of the traps above. I wanted to transform my body and bought into everything that offered a solution to my “problem” (Self Love Baby!). Spoilers, none of them worked. That was until I decided to get a coach of my own and re-learned the basic principles - eat healthy most of the time, get more protein, munch on something green, lift heavy things, and enjoy life. Mindblowing right?! If you want to lose weight, you already know how to get there. But the reason it hasn't worked for you before (I’m guessing) is something most people miss. Consistency. Seriously. If you just pay attention to what you eat and how you move, you'll already be heading in the right direction. And just like compounding interest (for all my finance nerds out there), over a long period of time, you’ll see amazing results. That's the un-sexy answer: basic principals work, and basic principals work well with consistency. And it's pretty fucking hard to make 'consistency' sexy. That's why there are so many predatory practices out there - because it's easy to sell a sexy lie. That is also why Fitness Frenzy exists, to spite these lies, stand for the basic principles, and to make 'consistency' sexy. Let me explain.

Fitness Frenzy is very anti-ad, and guess what types of ads would pop up if I sold ad space to the highest bidder? Yep, the ones from above. That's why FF will NEVER have ads and NEVER sell your info. That's why FF costs $2.99/month; you think those free apps don't sell your info?! FF also stands for the basics: Food Planning and Logging - Consistatnly hit your goals, and you WILL see progress. Workout Journalling - See what you lifted last time, and beat it the next time, always be progressing. Accountability - Add your friends and coaches to keep you and them accountable. Lastly, FF makes consistency fun by making it into a game; the higher your streak, the more points you earn, the more points, the more prestigious sprinkles you can unlock to impress your friends.

So to definitively answer the question: why does Fitness Frenzy exist? It exists to save others from hurt and self-loathing I experienced falling into the predatory practices of the health and fitness industry. I want people to know they are good enough now. I want people to know that the basics DO work. I want people to believe in honesty and consistency. I want people to believe in themselves. Fitness Frenzy is different because it's not selling a sexy lie. Instead, it preaches honesty. For all of my Stephen Covey fans out there, here is the head fake: Fitness Frenzy is my platform to help others along their fitness journey. More specifically Fitness Frenzy is my way to help you, dear reader. You got this, and Coach Chuck has your back. I appreciate all of the support and wish you ALL of the success. Together let's make consistency sexy.


Coach Chuck

Lead a happy, healthy life by playing a game.


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The Harmful Side of Self Help