Fitness Frenzy Whitepaper

“Lead a happy, healthy life by playing a game.”


From time to time, I will update and refresh the Whitepaper. I will record the big changes here - so check back every once and a while to see what changed!

As of this writing, the scope of Fitness Frenzy has changed. My adventure into the web3 space has opened up new opportunities to explore. My intentions are to bring my future experiences to FF - since FF is and will be my passion project to help give back.

That being said - I’ve decided to launch FF in its current state while continuing to work on it in the background. I hope it helps :)

Coach Chuck

Hello! Welcome! How the hell are you!? Welcome to the Fitness Frenzy Whitepaper. This document serves as 50% whitepaper, 50% design document, and 100% unbridled fun! This is a living document meaning its subject to change as time progresses. Strap in, buckle up and keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times!

Fitness Frenzy does not provide medical advice, all material is intended for informational purposes only. You are responsible for your own health and safety.

(Yay, we covered our ass! Probably! (We don’t offer legal advice either))

Fitness Frenzy, at its core, is a gamified metaverse for educating, recording, and providing motivation for 8 simple (not easy) daily habits (skills) that encompass nutrition, exercise, and mental health advocacy. It’s an honest, approachable, character-packed, empathetic, and wholistic approach to health and fitness that rewards the consistent actions needed for lifestyle changes.

Put simply: Lead a happy, healthy life by playing a game.

Oooohhh Fancy! But.. what is it exactly?!

It’s a game! It’s a game where you level up and take care of your avatar by taking care of yourself. A game where you unlock, buy and decorate your very own virtual gym by logging up to 8 daily skills, designed to improve your real-world quality of life. A game where you can keep your friends accountable, explore other players’ gyms, and compete in the monthly leaderboards to unlock exclusive items! Initially, Fitness Frenzy will launch as a mobile app, then to web, VR, and finally, completing the metaverse, physical locations!

I love it! But what’s the motivation?

We know what’s healthy for us, we know the things we should do for our own well-being. Here's a hard truth, a lot of us don’t take care of ourselves as much as we deserve. And here’s the most perplexing part, we know that when we take care of ourselves, mind, body, and soul, we feel better, we have more energy and our outlook becomes brighter. So what’s the deal? Why do we choose to not spend the time and effort needed to improve our lives? 2 reasons… 

1. Unrealistic expectations - There are no hacks, shortcuts, or magic pills to circumvent the self-care process. The 30-day 6pack, the-one-crash-diet-to-rule-them-all, and the 30-second make-happy technique are all lies told to sell us something, set us up for failure, and then resell the solution to why our attempt failed. Yeah, that’s all BS. Here’s the truth, and it’s about as sexy as Gilbert Gottfried reading 50 shades of grey Taking care of ourselves requires consistent actions and habits different from those that lead us to disrepair. And these actions need to be repeated daily over a LONG period of time. This is what we call a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

2. Living a healthy lifestyle is hard - Yeah, no way around this. Being healthy requires consistent decisions that are not always fun. We have to generally eat right, move our bodies, and be honest with how we’re doing mentally. No one can do this for us. But trust that life gets better if we’re willing to put in the work. “Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.” -Jerzy Gregorek

But wait! This is where we come full circle! These are exactly the things Fitness Frenzy aims to aid. Fitness Frenzy is honest about realistic expectations and makes it fun and simple to make those daily hard choices! An inspiration for the game comes from Dr. Peterson’s 2nd rule for life, “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping”. We take care of our family, we take care of our friends. Now, let’s take care of ourselves by doing it for our avatars, or our real-world accountabilibuddies. You’re worth taking care of, but if it’s helpful, Fitness Frenzy is here to provide the abstraction. The desired results will be the same either way. But wait! There’s more! The game aspect adds a little instant gratification sugar to keep us going on our journey! At the end of the day, we still have to put in the consistent effort, but hey, let’s at least whistle while we work!

You said Metaverse?

Yep! But in this context, Metaverse simply means we blur the line between the virtual and the physical. Meaning, playing the virtual game requires real-world action. I also use this term because I don’t want to pigeonhole Fitness Frenzy as a mobile app, since that’s only the first step! (Oh, and Metaverses are in vogue rn)

This is the most traditional part of Fitness Frenzy, it’s a platform founded on principle, it… no we, stand for something. Most importantly, we practice what we preach.

Honesty - Fitness Frenzy is honest, sometimes brutally so. This is because honesty, even if it’s uncomfortable, is the only way to build trust. And if we’re going to help, we need your trust. On our end, that means being open, transparent, and telling hard truths. Even if that turns off potential players or investors. In return, we ask you to be honest with us. And more importantly honest with yourself. Honesty is the key to everything we do and the most important ingredient for your success. 

Empathy - Fitness Frenzy may be honest, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have a heart. We understand that making changes to your lifestyle is difficult. We get it, we’ve been, and are still there. We know a journey of health is long and full of mistakes. We’re not perfect and you don’t have to be either. If you falter that’s ok, we’ll always be here to welcome you back, with no judgment and open arms. And similarly, when we make mistakes we hope for the same. Additionally, Fitness Frenzy requires vulnerability to work. It’s the most extreme extension of honesty. It opens up the possibility of pain, but it’s vital for forward progress. It’s ok to be uncomfortable, it’s ok if things hurt, and we understand this.

Optimism - Fitness Frenzy, promotes obnoxious optimism. Why? Because, to a certain extent, you can choose your beliefs. And why not choose to look at the glass half full?! Now, that doesn’t mean to pretend everything is super awesome and amazing all of the time, that wouldn’t be honest. We’re not advocating delusion. However, we know that you can choose to try to believe that things will get better, and put in the effort to enjoy the ride!

Humbleness - Fitness Frenzy is the most humble, good-looking, and fun fitness platform you’ll ever come across. (Oh, and we’re funny too) Did we bold 'Humbleness’? Our bad, that should be changed to ‘Playfulness’ (We’ll get Marketing on that). Fitness Frenzy deals with some heavy topics, so it’s important to keep things light. A part of being vulnerable is not taking yourself too seriously, and we embrace that. When we can, we keep it playful. 😊

Community - Fitness Frenzy without its community is PB without the J, fish without chips, or crackers without vegemite. (Probably, we don’t eat vegemite.) Point is, the community is what gives Fitness Frenzy its soul. Literally and figuratively. That being said, Fitness Frenzy is home-grown and we want the community to grow with us! It takes a village to raise a child, and the same can be said for a health journey. We want to cultivate a positive, healthy space full of encouragement. Where players help each other and feel comfortable asking for help. There is power knowing you’re not alone.

Privacy - This one is the least fun, so that’s why it’s last. Basically, this is an extension of trust. We will never sell your information, we’ll never feed you ads and we’ll do our damndest to keep your data safe. You own your information, forever and always.

As great as the idea of Fitness Frenzy is, without proper execution, it’s just that, a great idea. If the game is not fun and the tools are not easily learned, then Fitness Frenzy is not helpful. So it has adopted the following design principles to ensure both of these criteria are met.

Simple - Make things simple enough that Memaw can understand. And for the scenarios that require a learning curve, have help available at every step.

Clean - Just like a messy kitchen, nothing should feel overwhelming. Everything has a spot and everything is in its spot.

Cohesive - Everything is interactable and everything serves a singular purpose. Repeat actions, themes, colors, icons, and phrasing are standardized throughout to give systemwide context. Learn once, understand all.

Forgiving - Anything that is done can be easily undone, and any menu can be easily exited. It invites exploration without the fear of doing anything irreversible. IE, you won’t break it.

Iterative - Features, updates, and fixes are shipped fast and often. We value getting usability out the door over making sure everything is perfect. This allows us to develop quickly with community feedback. Just like a health journey, there is no need or expectation to be perfect out of the gate.

Currently, Fitness Frenzy has one member, with a lot of freelance and community help. However on launch and a successful funding round. Fitness Frenzy will be hiring!

Christian Krueger aka ‘Coach Chuck’

  • Work: Fitness Frenzy full time for 2 years.

  • Certs: BS Computer Engineering, CPT, CNC, EMT, NERD

  • Likes: A lot of Amazing Alliteration

In the following section's we’ll talk about the game and how our real-world actions play into it. But here is a quick brief on Fitness Frenzy’s Core Mechanics:

  • Real-World (Your Person)

    • Real-world Actions - 8 loggable actions…

      • Analytics (Log Weight)

      • Perspective (Log a Journal)

      • Reflection (Log a Progress Picture)

      • Mindfulness (Log Mindfulness Minutes)

      • Nutrition (Log Nutrition)

      • Exercise (Log Workouts)

      • Knowledge (Log Answered Health and Fitness Questions)

    • Honesty - You can only log for the current day, records cannot be changed

    • Accountability/Sharing - Built workouts, saved meals, and logged logs are all publically available (except progress photos)

    • Privacy - Your avatar is not linked with your personal identity

  • Game (Your Avatar)

    • Skills -

      • Skill count: 9

      • Max Level: 99

      • Max daily EXP per skill: Yes

      • Estimated time to max out all skills: 3 years

      • leveled up by logging the 8 real-world actions daily…

        • Analytics (Log Weight)

        • Perspective (Log a Journal)

        • Reflection (Log a Progress Picture)

        • Mindfulness (Log Mindfulness Minutes)

        • Nutrition (Log Nutrition)

        • Exercise (Log Workouts)

        • Knowledge (Log Answered Health and Fitness Questions)

        • Consistency (Log Something Daily)

    • In-game Money - earned by…

      • ‘Opening’ your gym for business daily - the better you gym, the more you make

      • Paid out by the real-world step (Members Only)

    • Goodies - In-game money is used to buy items, locations, and pets for your avatar and their gym

    • Unlockables - Certain goodies have to be unlocked before you can purchase them, you do this by…

      • Skill level requirements

      • Accomplishing achievements

      • Beating challenges

      • Ranking in monthly leaderboards

      • 🐇🥚

    • Fitness Frenzy Tokens (FFTs) - this world’s cryptocurrency, the only way to buy into challenge modes. Can be earned (Members Only) or bought with real money.

    • Challenge Modes - Lock yourself into one of several ‘Challenges’, the harder the challenge, the better the reward!

    • Monthly Leaderboards - Every month, there will be a themed item, location, and pet for you to win. Everyone starts with a clean slate!

    • Leaderboards - Your avatar and gym are ranked on the leaderboards for everyone to view

    • Team Building - You can follow up to 8 other accountabilibuddies - add your real-world friends to provide support, or learn what the top players are doing, or a combination!

Oh, and if you’re thinking, this all can’t be done, just know that 90% of the mobile version of Fitness Frenzy is already completed :D

When you register for Fitness Frenzy, what you are really doing is opening up your own virtual gym, and your avatar is the owner! Every day you log at least 1 real-world action in the game, you are opening up your gym for business! On open, you’re able to collect your previous day’s earnings. But watch out! If you miss a day of logging, Mr. Consequences will void out what you would have made. But don’t worry there is one other way to make money! If you’ve enabled smart devices (Members Only) you’ll earn cash per step up to 10k steps daily! Now, what do you do with your in-game money? Well, you buy items, locations, and pets for your gym! The better your gym, the more you make, and the cooler it is to show off to the world! So If all I have to do is open my gym to collect money, why would I ever log anything? Easy! Because the really prestigious items, locations and pets cannot be purchased right away because they’re locked behind a level (LVL) cap. See each real-world log is a skill for your avatar to master. Each action you do in real life (IRL) earns your avatar experience points (EXP). And with the anti-cheese system, the more honest, consistent, and accurate you are, the more EXP you earn! This EXP levels up your avatar to a max of 99 in each of the 9 respective skills. And there are special unlockables for every milestone for every skill 😁. You want to truly play the game, get good at taking care of yourself!

Now, If you got this far, you’re probably wondering what these 9 skills are, especially since there are only 8 real-world habits to log. You’re also probably wondering what the habits are too. Well, this section is where you’ll find your answer and the reasoning behind them.

Analytics EXP is earned by standing on the scale, every day, first thing in the morning, and logging that number in. THIS IS CRUCIAL. And not for the reasons you may think… In real life, despite what the fitness gurus say, your weight is an important metric. More specifically the trend in your weight is what matters! Your day-to-day does not! Your daily weight can fluctuate wildly mostly due to water weight, but your trend of weekly averages tells you if you’re moving in the right direction (losing or gaining weight depending on your goal!). This is specifically important because after the honeymoon phase of any health journey, when you lose or gain weight quickly (usually water-weight), your progress will slow. It will be hard to see results weekly, but this trend provides reassurance that you’re making progress! Additionally, weighing yourself every day has the benefit of separating the value you may put on that particular measurement - hopefully, you’ll see the scale as a tool, and the weight as just a number. So to level your avatar in the Analytics Skill, weigh yourself, first thing in the morning, every day.

Analytics EXP is earned by doodling your current frame of mind and optionally journaling an answer for a writing prompt. Yep, this one is simple, but it’s effective, unassuming, and allows expression. It’s amazing what you uncover when you move your thoughts to another medium. So to level your avatar in the Perspective Skill, check-in with yourself, answer ‘how are you doing?’

Reflection EXP is earned by one day a week, standing in front of a mirror, lining yourself up with the outline, and snapping a picture. A progress picture if you will. This one can be tough, here you’re faced with your own reflection and you can’t lie to a camera. If this is hard, that’s ok! It means you’re facing your fears, and are working towards self-acceptance! Again, this is just another tool to help you stay on track and keep things real. Plus, you’ll be glad you have a record of your journey, and hell, if you stick around long enough you may be able to have a timelapse auto-generated for you as a memento. Oh, and It’s really important to note that no one else can see these photos but you! So to level your avatar in the Reflection Skill, take a weekly progress photo, ideally at similar times and locations.

Mindfulness EXP is earned by simply taking some time for yourself to relax, take some guided breaths, and let your mind wander. Stay for as little or as long as you wish. Breath in, hold, breathe out hold. Mindfulness is a wonderful practice. So to level your avatar in the Mindfulness Skill: just breathe, it’ll be ok.

Nutrition EXP is earned by, you probably guessed it, logging your nutrition! Hooray food logging! Here, depending on your physical goals, you'll have a target calorie or macro range. If you don’t know what these are yet, don’t worry, we’ll be there to help! This is the most complex skill to master, however, it’s also one of the most important! The meat and potatoes of physical transformation. Here’s the pitch, calories matter, and macros matter. And no, you don’t need to log them to be successful. However, if your goal is weight loss, without the feedback that logging provides, you would be at a severe disadvantage. It would be like trying to walk through a maze without an aerial map. Additionally, the very act of logging brings attention to what you’re putting into your body and learning how it affects you! This alone is worth its weight in gold. And don’t worry, we try to make the logging process fun, satisfying and easy. 

Here is the traditional method of logging food: tap add food, search through thousands of results, set the serving size, press submit, and repeat for each thing you ate.

We do this differently, and trust us, once you’re used to it, you’ll never want to go back! We work on a per-meal basis. Each meal is a block that you drag up to the time slot when you ate it to log it! There are several meal/block types: 

Add Ingredients - This is what you’d most likely be used to, but here you search or scan all of your ingredients (food) in first, then you set the serving sizes for each, press done and you’ve made a new block! And as an added bonus, recently used added food, will initially appear at the top of the list!

Quick Add - Don’t have exact numbers, can’t find a specific food, or just want to guesstimate!? This little calculator is for you! Quickly tap in macros, use the mathematic operators if you need, and whip up a new meal block!

Free Meals - Hey, there’s no need to be perfect! You get up to 2 of these a week in case you decide to celebrate and still want something on the board. They are the perfect catch-all for social gatherings!

Prepped Meals (Members Only) - These are easily our favorite type of meal block. When you prep your meals in advance with the Meal Prepper tool (More on this in the tools section), you’ll not only be able to dial in your nutrition to a T, but you’ll be able to log your entire day of eating in seconds. Preparation pays! 

Full-Day Fast - We are not advocating you stop eating, however, if you want to try fasting (legal jargon, not liable, ask your doctor), you have a way to log it! We still haven’t found any other meal loggers that allow this…

Saved Meals (Members Only Kinda) - Of course, you can save meals! This is also done in the meal prepper tool. However, if you’re not a member, you’ll keep access to all of the meals you’ve made as one, as well as, and here’s the best part, log the saved meals that your accountabilibuddies have crafted!

So to level your avatar in the Nutrition Skill, use an existing meal block or make a new one and drag it up to the timeslot in which you ate it!

Exercise EXP is earned by logging, well, your exercise, your physical movement! There are currently 3 loggable types of workouts, traditional, countdown, and device-tracked (Members Only). Traditional and countdown can be followed within Fitness Frenzy, by selecting a Fitness Frenzy official workout, a workout created by an accountabilibuddy, or make your own (Members Only). If you’re a member have, an apple watch (IOS only for now), your workouts will automatically import! Let’s go through the two Fitness Frenzy native workout types:

Traditional - When you enter a traditional workout, you’ll see a list of blocks of exercises (1 set). Each block contains information like target reps, time, weight, notes, your previous record, and effort. Additionally, most have animated gifs of the movement so you’re never left wondering, ‘What the hell is a yes-yes no-no?’. It will be common to have a rest block in between set blocks, tap on it to start your rest timer. If you want to program in a superset, just don’t add a rest block in between two movements. If that last sentence does not make sense, don’t worry, it will! The workout is meant to go from top to bottom, block to block. Do a movement, try to beat your old record, enter in your results and move on to the next block. Get through them all and press submit to log!

Countdown - A countdown workout is more akin to taking a class. Press play and start doing the movement in the topmost block, when that block’s timer runs out, it will dismiss itself and a new block will take its place. Simply, it’s a game of following the leader. When all the blocks are done, hit submit, and, voilà you did it! Congratulations!

Live Classes -Yes! Surprise! At times Coach Chuck will lead live-streamed classes that anyone can follow along with on Twitch. These come in the form of Countdown workouts that during the stream will be available for anyone to join in with. And hey, there just might be in-game incentives to do so 👀.

So to level your avatar in the Exercise Skill, get your sweat on, by following along with an in-game workout or have your smart device (apple watch) log it for you!

Knowledge EXP is earned by answering 3-5 daily questions related to health, fitness, and the game. All answers have an explanation and are aimed to educate. The goal here is to provide enough information that you too can become a fitness professional! (Or at least know what you’re talking about). For us, this is the most exciting skill for you to explore! So to level your avatar in the Knowledge Skill, just answer some questions! Think of it as nerdy trivia!

Dopamine EXP is earned by checking a box(s). Yep, that’s it, basically free EXP. Man does it pay to be a member! All jokes aside, this skill is a very simple, yet very powerful tool. Its aim is to help regulate dopamine through randomness. This skill was inspired by an Andrew Huberman podcast. Here we identify our daily dopamine triggers and let chance decide whether we partake in them or not. Then we sign off that we did/or did not follow Fitness Frenzy’s random directive! So to level your avatar in the Dopamine Skill, let chance decide! [May also contain a pomodoro timer]

Consistency EXP is earned by being consistent! Your first log every day earns you consistency EXP, this EXP is multiplied by your streak up to a maximum amount! Break your streak, no big deal, just get back at it! Consistency is the most prestigious skill to max, why? Because it’s the simplest to do but hardest to accomplish. 3 years without missing a day... Think you can do it? So to level your avatar in the Consistency Skill, just be consistent.

Fitness Frenzy is one of the only RPGs you can’t grind. This is by design. Each skill has a maximum amount of EXP that can be earned in a day. This is because any schmuck can just tap a couple of buttons and say ‘yeah I did it in real life too!’. Real-life won’t reward this behavior and neither will Fitness Frenzy. Just the act of logging will earn a minimum amount of EXP, however, the real EXP comes from bonuses that are calculated in the anti-cheese system. This is the secret sauce placed to deter the pumpkin eaters. If you log honestly and do the work, you’ll be rewarded with oodles of EXP. Try to cheese it, and you’ll get a pittance. Want to know how Spotify virtually erased music piracy? They made it so easy and cheap to access music that piracy wasn’t worth it! Similar principles apply here. It’s easier to do the work than figure out how to circumvent it. It won’t catch them all, but if these whiskers want to consistently cheese a game designed to help them day after day, week after week, well then at least they’re being constant! So either way Fitness Frenzy wins!

Why log everything yourself? Let your smart devices help! Currently here are all of the hardware integrations available with more on the way!

  • Steps - (Android/IOS)

  • Resting Heart Rate - (Android/IOS)

  • Water - (Hidrate Smart Waterbottle)

  • Workouts/Exercise - (Apple Watch Only)

  • [Coming] Weight - (Smart Scale in the Works)

Here is the exciting part! All of the work that you put in, here’s how you and the world get to visualize it! The gym you build is a testament to your progress. To recap, you earn in-game money by opening up your gym daily and can get paid by the real-world step (Members Only). Rember the more valuable your gym, the more money it makes you! You then use this cash to buy the goodies you’ve earned the right to purchase from leveling up your avatar. These goodies fall in one of three categories: items, locations, and pets. But we’ve been vague about what these three assets are, so let’s go through them one by one.

Items - These are the actual pieces of equipment, furniture, and decoration that go in your gym! Just like our logging our meal, to customize our gym we use a drag and drop grid system. Different items have different block sizes and different attributes. For example, a dumbbell rack may have a grid size of 1x2 and needs to be placed on a flat surface, where a punching bag would take up 2x1 blocks and need to be hanged on something. Fun fact, in the mobile version, the equipment is drawn to scale! 1ft ~ 3pixels!

Locations - Usually much pricier than items, you can buy and move your gym to different locations offering new lands to explore!

Pets - Just like in the real world, pets are your companions, everywhere your avatar goes they follow! This includes the leaderboard!

Oh, and did we mention that not all of the goodies you can buy are unlockable by skill level alone? Some are exclusive, some are secret and some are won.

Fitness Frenzy Tokens or FFTs (Sorry Cooley and Tukey) are the cryptocurrencies of the Fitness Frenzy world. They have several functions and are obtained in several ways:

Purchased with real-world money - Yeah, we know, microtransactions bad. However, the way these are implemented helps add further accountability, and allows sudo-donations from whales.

Earned by walking (Members Only) - Another great reason to be a member! Just like earning in-game money, you’ll earn up to 1 FFT per day by walking! 10k steps = 1 FFT, so 1 step = 0.0001 FFT.

Earned by NFT Holders - Adds a multiplier to what you earn by walking! Simply put you can earn an extra FFT for each NFT you own! max FFTs = (1 + #ofNFTs)

Ok, awesome, what can I do with my FFTs? 3 things:

Start a Challenge Mode - Challenges add an extra layer of accountability and self-competition. Successful completions are rewarded handsomely. More on this in the next section.

Community Voting - There will be scenarios where future content will come to a vote. You’ll be able to spend FFTs to buy up to a maximum amount of votes. The maximum is set to keep everything fair.

Whale Bait - This is the ONLY pay-to-win portion of anything Fitness Frenzy-related. There will be one item, location, and pet (the whale collection) bought only by FFTs. That and there is an FFT ranking in the leaderboards. This ‘utility’ really only exists as a joke, but hey, if whales want to donate, we’ll let ‘em!

Oh, and there is a non-zero chance FFTs will become real Solana-based crypto, pending legality.

Challenge Modes are optional accountability that can be started by spending FFT. A challenge is a duration in days where you need to log a daily minimum amount of logs to continue. Each challenge has a set number of ‘lives’, or days you can afford to miss before a challenge fails. Upon successful completion, you’ll earn exclusive rewards: In-game money, FFT, items, locations, and pets. 

Example Challenge

  • Cost: 30 FFT

  • Duration 30 Days

  • Daily Logs Needed: 3

  • Lives: 3

  • Rewards: $10,000, 50FFT, Example Trophy (item)

Up to this point, there have been a lot of references of accountabilibuddies, leaderboards, and showcasing your avatar and their gym to the world. Here is where that is all cleared up!

Yes, that’s right, Fitness Frenzy is also a social game! Why? Besides making it way more fun (not sure how that’s possible), it actually adds the invaluable utility of sharing and accountability!

Sharing - When you add an accountabilibuddy, you’ll have access to all of their meals, workouts, and logs!

Accountability - Wait, did you say you can see their logs? Does that mean they can see mine? Yep! This is where the accountability in accountabilibuddy comes from. Your buddies will know, what you log, and when you log it. This keeps you honest and allows them to provide support. But, there are 2 caveats: 1. no one but you can see your progress photos, and 2. your personal identity is not linked to your avatar.

Accountabilibuddies are simply other players that you follow. You can follow up to 8 buddies to form your own team. When you add buddies to your team, you’ll have access to all of their built workouts, saved meals, and everything they log (minus progress photos). Buddies can be added in two ways:

Real-world Buddies - Added through Snapchat-like QR scanning or invite links. Compete and keep tabs on each other in real life!

Leaderboard Buddies - Added through following them right from the leaderboard. See what the top players are doing, maybe learn a thing or two!

Accountabilibuddies Quicklook

  • Max Buddies Per Team: 8

  • Accountabilibuddie’s Access

    • Gyms

    • Avatar Stats

    • Built Workouts

    • Saved Meals

    • Logs (minus progress photos)

  • Team Building

    • QR code/invite link

    • Direct follow

The leaderboards are a predominant feature of Fitness Frenzy. We encourage competition and want the top players to have visibility in hopes they’ll lead by example! The leaderboards are split into several different categories:

  • Total EXP

  • Monthly EXP

  • Each Skill (Ranked by EXP)

  • Streak

  • Steps Taken

  • FFT holdings

  • Money holdings

Directly linked to each player’s entry are the abilities to visit their gym, view all of their stats, and add them to your Accountibilibuddy Team.

The monthly leaderboard is a monthly competition where everyone has an equal ability to rank high and win exclusive prizes.

Each month a new collection (item, location, pet) of goodies will be announced. The collection rewards are tiered from lowest to highest rank: item, location, then pet. The more total EXP (monthly EXP) you earn compared to other players, the higher your rank. To keep this fair to everyone, every month, everyone’s monthly EXP is reset to 0 and the Dopamine EXP (Members Only) will not count. The exact rank per reward is currently TBD.

October Beta Reward Example:

  • Item - Jackolantern

  • Location - Graveyard

  • Pet - Floating Skull

There is a non-zero chance the monthly leaderboards will turn into the quarterly leaderboards. to avoid exclusive collection dilution.

Alright, you may have noticed that some features have been denoted by (Members Only). Fitness Frenzy is free-to-play (FTP), but we also offer a full-access monthly membership. The membership both shows your support and unlock some pretty awesome features:

  • Full Access To…

    • Dopamine Skill

    • Meal Prepper Tool

    • Workout Builder Tool

    • Log Reporting Tool

  • Hardware Integration

    • Log steps and earn money/FFT

    • Auto log workouts (Apple only)

    • Auto-logs various other metrics

  • Username Glow Up

    • Your avatar’s username will have the ‘Member’ color and badge

The Fitness Frenzy NFTs will be used as a crowd-sourced, capital funding round to support the development of this project. As a thank you there are some rewards for holding! Holding at least 1 verified NFT grants you:

  • Free Membership To…

    • Everything fitness frenzy!

      • Mobile App

      • VR

      • Physical Locations

  • Additional FFT perks

    • Earn an additional FFT per 1 NFT you hold

    • Do not need to spend FFT on voting

  • Username Glow Up

    • Hold 1+ Your avatar’s username will have the ‘Friend’ color and badge

    • Hold 5+ Your avatar’s username will have the ‘Founder’ color and badge

    • Hold 13+ Your avatar’s username will have the coveted ‘Whale’ color and badge

NFT holdings will be verified weekly.


In order for Fitness Frenzy to be really helpful, it needs to provide the right tools! There are 3 main tools here to explore, the meal prepper, workout builder, and the log calendar. Let’s take a look!

The Meal Prepper was the first tool to be built in Fitness Frenzy! This is because it is the most crucial tool when it comes to being serious about nutrition and physical transformation. Why? Because it allows you to dial in your macros by the gram and prep them ahead of time with accuracy. This gives you the assurance you’ll need when taking your physique to the next level.

The meal prepper is a sudo-spreadsheet split into 8 meals: pre-workout, post-workout, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and evening snack. These meals are populated very similarly to how you would populate an ‘Add Ingredients’ meal block. For each meal you want to prep: Add/scan in your ingredients and adjust their serving sizes. As you do this, the total day’s macros are tallied at the top right next to your intake goals. Combine this all and you have the ability to quite literally dial in your nutrition. Once this is all set, you can… Quickly log your prepped meals in ‘Log Nutrition’, save these meals for later or to share, and quickly bring up a shopping list so you know exactly how much of each ingredient you need for X days of prep. This is a serious tool and pays for itself when you want to truly take control over your nutrition.

The workout builder allows you to create your own traditional and countdown workouts! Similar to building your gym or logging your meal blocks, building a workout uses a drag and drop block system. Use our database of movements to craft your own workout routine and share it with all! Not much else to say here, it’s pretty great!

The log calendar is just that, a calendar! It shows you everything you and your accountabilibuddies ever logged with a calendar/list view! Use the calendar to choose the date you want to view and a list of blocks will be populated giving information on each log. From here you will also be able to view all of your progress pictures side by side. Lastly, there is a member’s only reporting feature that allows you to run preset and custom reports of your logs, export and share them. This is particularly helpful if you have a coach you’re reporting into!

Fitness Frenzy starts off mobile-only: IOS and Android, quickly followed by Web3 integration. The next horizon is a VR extension. The climax: physical locations.

The first iteration of Fitness Frenzy will be released on mobile devices, specifically IOS, and Android. The reason these are the first released is because of how Fitness Frenzy’s architecture is structured - FF is built on Flutter and Firebase. If we lost you there, don’t worry, all this means is that we can write code once and deploy it everywhere! Yay optimization! Oh and all web3 means is that we’ll have NFT/crypto integration.

Estimated initial release ~Q2 ‘22

The VR extension takes all of the amazingness of the base game and makes it explorable in beautifully stylized low-poly VR! Log your logs, decorate your gym, visit buddies’ gyms, play some fitness-based minigames and take some live virtual fitness classes! The VR extension will take additional brainpower to realize since it will be written in Unity and every asset will have to have a 3d model counterpart. But, trust us, it’ll be worth it!

Estimated initial release ~Q2 ‘23

The physical Fitness Frenzy locations will be boutique-style gyms offering schedulable live classes that emphasize high-production value, uplifting coaches, and some seriously kick-ass workouts. This is platform is the hardest and most expensive to attain. We’ll be bringing in industry leaders to help out. We’ll also need to perfect our class formula before we invest any capital into brick and mortar. To do this, our classes will start as live-streamed events led by Coach Chuck on twitch. These are followed by live VR classes and finally popup physical events. These events will be ongoing throughout development giving us years of practice before we open up shop!

Estimated initial release ~Q3‘ 25

If you know what web3 is great! Read on! If you don’t, no worries, but the next sections may not make a lot of sense, so feel free to skip.

We here at Fitness Frenzy are huge fans of Web3 and are designed to integrate with the Solana ecosystem! With that in mind we have 3 goals in this space: be the first Solana health/fitness platform, be the best Solana health/fitness platform and help accelerate Solana adoption! To do this we are launching our own NFT, integrating with other Solana projects, and allowing the community to have a voice in our development as a DAO.

The Fitness Frenzy Friends NFT is a collection of X amount of randomly generated Fitness Frenzy Avatar pfps. However, this NFT is purely utility-based, there will be no schemes to help it moon. All benefits of holding one or more are outlined in NFT Holder Benefits. This NFT is 100% meant to be a crowd-funding campaign to further, not a speculative investment. We know, we want this part to be fun, but we need to be honest and upfront first. So we’ll end with this as motivation to support. Image, you never had to buy a gym membership ever again, well, holding one of these does that for you! As long as you hold, you’ll never have to pay for any Fitness Frenzy membership fees!

NFT Details

Amount: TBD

Cost: TBD

Proposed Secondary: Magic Eden, Fractal

Mint Date: A week before public launch, allowing NFT members to be the first to play the game.

Soon after Fitness Frenzy’s release, we will look to integrate in-game goodies (items, locations, pets) only unlocked by being a Fractal holder. This will lay the groundwork for future integrations from other amazing partners.

The DAO will take the form most Solana DAOs do, a discord server! There are special channels and roles for NFT holders and particularly good players. However, the DAO aspect of things is open to everyone in the form of voting. We’ll be voting on things like events, charitable giving, and upcoming content. As stated before, every registered player has a maximum amount of votes they can redeem with FFT. If you’re holding a Fitness Frenzy Friend NFT, these votes are free to you. Community is one of our core values, and we mean that!

Ok, as much as we want to make everything free, we can’t. Developing software is expensive. Maintaining software is expensive. Providing the quality of life our crew deserves is expensive. And no, just launching an NFT won’t give us enough forever. So for us to deliver all we promise we need Fitness Frenzy needs to be self-sustaining and profitable. So the coming section will outline how we do that!

Fitness Frenzy is incredibly well-positioned for the upcoming Web3 market. The mobile version will be released without any need for funding. However, to be timely with our first big metaverse release, the VR extension, we’ll need an injection of capital to hire a team. This team, at a minimum consists of 2 additional developers, a digital artist, and a social media manager. That with marketing and other expenses we are looking at around 400-500k/year in operating expenses. The NFT drop will be our first swing at this number, if need be, we’ll be in contact with VCs.

Aside from capital funding rounds, Fitness Frenzy makes money in 1 primary way (membership subscriptions) and 2 supplementary ways (FFT microtransaction, and physical merchandise)

There are 3 tiers of membership subscriptions:

  • Mobile Only ~ $2.99/m

  • VR + Mobile ~ $X/m

  • Physical Classes + VR + Mobile ~ $X/m

FFT microtransactions - these are tired like most standard premium in-game currencies. Prices and amounts TBD.

Merchandise - here we have several planned physical items to sell, mostly as promotional items and game-related tools. 

  • Branded Tools

    • Tupperware

    • Food scale

  • Branded Smart Tools

    • Smart water bottle

    • Smart scale

  • Branded Apparel

    • High-quality men's and women's activewear.

From the beginning, Fitness Frenzy has grown organically. However, word of mouth won’t be enough to get this project the legs it needs to stand on its own. Now, this doesn’t mean we will blindly burn a bunch of money on online advertisements. Initially, we have very limited resources specifically money. So we have to be crafty. Since we can’t pay our way to the top, we’ll spend our time creating and sharing value-adding content on socials that will boost our visibility. Specifically, the mediums we will target are:

  • Twitter - Mostly to communicate with the Solana and Web3 space.

  • Twitch - Stream free workout classes.

  • Email List - Weekly development updates and other valuable nuggets in newsletter format.

  • Physical Affiliate Gyms - We provide them with marketing material, and if a user signs up with their link, their signage/logo will be auto-displayed in that user’s gym. Effectively trading virtual real estate for shilling our stuff.

  • Discord - Our community’s main hub for communication.

In addition to our social efforts, we are ‘baking in virality’ into our own content! For example, tap the share button in the lower right corner and share this whitepaper! Other aspects of the game will also be one tap-sharable. Just gained a Perspective level? Let the world know!

At its core, Fitness Frenzy is all empowering people. And since our inception, we’ve wanted to give back. So as part of this whitepaper, we vow to invest 5% of our monthly gross earnings into a charity fund where the quarterly dividends are donated to the DOA’s charity of choice.

Alright dear reader, we’re coming close to the end! But before we wrap up, let’s look at the projected roadmap of deliverables.

  • Q1 ‘22

    • Finish IOS and Android build

    • Finalize NFT Details

    • Launch the ‘Fitness Frenzy Reboot’ marketing Campaign

  • Q2 ‘22

    • NFT Mint

    • Official Fitness Frenzy Release

    • Celebrate

  • Q3 ‘22

    • Onboard and Start work for VR

  • Q2 ‘23

    • Launch VR extension

    • Celebrate

  • Q3 ‘25

    • Open the first location

    • Celebrate

If you’ve made it this far, Congratulations! You’re the real MVP! If the length of this whitepaper didn’t make it apparent, Fitness Frenzy is… ambitious. But it has every right to be. Fitness Frenzy is truly unique and can do some good in this world. We know it is capable of encouraging and empowering people to take care of themselves. In turn, their lives become a little happier and a little healthier. Who would have thought all of this could come from playing a game?

Lead a happy, healthy life by playing a game.


Let’s Make Consistency Sexy